Artist Profile Statement


Just about every artist’s statement I’ve read begins somewhat the same…”I’ve been making art for as long as I remember.” This is so untrue for me. I have never been able to draw and never had an art lesson. I don’t often consider myself an artist except in rare moments because I bleed so many passions. Thankfully technology allows me to bring together these obsessions.

All my life I was disillusioned with the high-tech fields and fascinated how machines were designed and how they worked. But truth be known, that was about to change near the Thanksgiving holiday of 2005. I suffered a heart attack, had surgery, and was released after a hospital stay. I settled back into life, so I thought. Wrong! The painful experience brought a new beginning to life’s journey.

Then the day finally came; I choose to leave the profession where I made myself a prisoner. Throwing my arms up in the air in the parking lot and screaming as loud as I could, “I’m Free”. Yes, I actually did that and still treasure that memory. Screaming out loud in a public place can be quite cathartic. I discovered a new calling in being creative but really had no idea what I was doing. In my thinking, art really has nothing to do with talent. One can have all the talent in the world but if not used, what good is it. The drive to create has more to do with an obsessive, compulsive nature, than talent. It’s something you HAVE to do. It helps if you love it.

My work is inspired by everyday life events and spur of the moments. How I choose to approach each idea depends on how I can bring out the best in it. If I have a vision of energy, I may choose to convey an overall feeling of movement within the piece. At other times, my realist side takes over and I pay close attention to the details of the subject at hand. I have no niche to my designs for I hate treading over familiar ground…so I create, then move on, trying new mediums as well as new techniques or formats.

The driving voice that exists within brings my style to a sense of being orderly, the sum of all of its parts – a puzzle, if you will. My life is the sum of many parts and often have had to take those parts and arrange them to create a truer path for myself!

Thanks for stopping in!